Further Upstream, oil on canvas, 38×54 SOLD
My inspiration for tackling such a complex view was purely to see if I could do it. I really enjoyed digging into the minutiae of all the details this view [...]
My inspiration for tackling such a complex view was purely to see if I could do it. I really enjoyed digging into the minutiae of all the details this view [...]
The inspiration for this oil painting was its direction. There’s always a sense of relief after having reached your destination and finally hiking down. Some may see this painting as [...]
I love trees, and the large oaks of the Pacific Northwest offer a great painting challenge. This Big Tree is like a giant octopus with its many trunks, branches and [...]
There are great views to be had all over the Pacific Northwest. I’m fortunate to have this view portrayed in Basin Spring near my studio. I referenced a lot of [...]
I love a good painting challenge, and this riverscape had it all: strong contrast, intriguing shadows, transparency, highlights. I was positioned at a right angle to the morning sun streaming [...]
Full Palette contains the six colors (plus white and black) of the color wheel used in a myriad of mixtures, tones, and hues to arrive at a cohesive whole, including [...]
I keep coming back again and again to landscapes with vivid greens. Oil paint has many options for green out of the tube and whatever you can mix from the [...]